apex 121 to 136 track extension


New member
Sep 13, 2023
New to forums. sorry.
looking for some help figuring out the gearing on a 2006 apex track swap.
What do I need to do for the gearing if I'm going from a 121 mono skid to a 136 mono skid?
any other things i need to change as well?
I'm sure there are other posts about this, but i am new to forums and do not know how to find them???????
hello. you are close to where you need to be. the info you are looking for is posted over on www.ty4stroke.com witch is where all the info for those sleds are.

the attack/apex ltx sleds usually just usually have one more tooth on the bottom gear compared to the 121 apex's. some guys did this mod with the 121" track for better acceleration. https://totallyamaha.com/snowmobiles/aaTECH/TechIndex/sledTechIndex.html has the stock sled specs for you to compare.
