00' Mountain Max 700 Skid Swap


New member
Sep 8, 2023
Hello, I need a little help. I bought a 2000 Yamaha Mountain Max 700, the track on it is super dry rotted from sitting and suspension is pretty roached on the old skid. So I'm wondering what skid and track combo I need to buy and what's the best for off trail performance. I've seen lots of these forums but I'm worried about ordering the wrong track size or not having what I need.
TL:DR What all do I need to complete a skid/track swap, and what's the best skid for off trail performance?

Track depends on what drivers you going to run? And if you want to mod tunnel to have the room. 1.75 back country are one of the best all around tracks and a 141 skid from a cat or later 4 stroke viper/winder is what I am thinking of doing on my sons 01 Mm.
