Vintage Snoscoot help


New member
Jan 8, 2024

I recent purchased a 1989 snosoot 80cc for my neice and nephew. I know little about these and it does not seem well maintained.

The snowmobile fired right up, but was puking fuel out the exhaust. I assume a float or needle is stuck, but seeking assistance. Any tips with the carburetors? Also, can I drain the case, as it is assumedly full of fuel now also

Your assistance appreciated

I recent purchased a 1989 snosoot 80cc for my neice and nephew. I know little about these and it does not seem well maintained.

The snowmobile fired right up, but was puking fuel out the exhaust. I assume a float or needle is stuck, but seeking assistance. Any tips with the carburetors? Also, can I drain the case, as it is assumedly full of fuel now also

Your assistance appreciated
Had the same issues. Those carburetors are really bad through mine out. Got one off a eBay for a YZ80 redid it regatted runs great
Tore the carb apart. Very corroded and nothing moving. Cleaning it up currently. I will replace the fuel lines and filter while at it. Anyone know if I can drain the bottom end? Assuming it's full of fuel
never played with one of those but sometimes there is a case drain plug. if not drain it through the pulse port on bottom case for the fuel pump. otherwise put it at tdc and tip the sled so that it seeps out the exh port or the carb boot.
There should be a drain plug or 2 right below the exhaust that will allow you to drain the fuel. If you are getting that much fuel in the bottom end your fuel pump bladder maybe ruptured and you have fuel flowing through the pulse line. If you cant find a drain plug you can pull exhaust off and pull out the spark plug and remove pulse line and then just pull on the recoil a bunch of times that will spit most of the fuel out.

If you need reference Megazip has good parts diagrams I added the link there for you.
