Chaincase assembly help ER Viper


New member
Oct 23, 2017
Buffalo, NY
I guess I could have done a better job with laying out the parts/taking more pictures to make reassembly no issue.

I am not 100% sure what order these 2 washers go with the bottom gear.

Can someone get me in the right direction?D48D273B-D450-405A-A42B-CE60AE2EE96E.jpeg
The raised collar spacer goes on the driveshaft first with raised edge against the chaincase bearing and the flat spacer goes on between the lower gear assembly and the raised spline section of the the insert.
Most of us that work on numerous sleds use the parts microfiches off of parts suppliers like Partzilla that are very usefull to determining assembly order of parts.

The raised collar spacer goes on the driveshaft first with raised edge against the chaincase bearing and the flat spacer goes on between the lower gear assembly and the raised spline section of the the insert.
Most of us that work on numerous sleds use the parts microfiches off of parts suppliers like Partzilla that are very usefull to determining assembly order of parts.

View attachment 67668
Thank you! That was exactly what I needed.
