Specifications for oil pressure sender 8GN-83651-00-00?


New member
May 27, 2024

Uncommon usage here, I'm a french aircraft pilot and builder, I've mounted a Yamaha Genesis 80FI on a microlight aircraft (CFM Shadow) and it works really well!

I'm trying to get deeper knowledge on the engine as of course, Yamaha does not support this kind of initiative, and deep technical informations are not publicly available for that engine.

So far my main source of information is the Phazer 500 maintenance manual, and it did the work.

Now that the engine works and the aircraft fly well with it, I'm trying to get reading of the oil pressure on my EMS (a Kanardia EMSIS).

Built-on the engine, there is the oil pressure sender 8GN-83651-00-00 which is not used by my ECU harness (simplified one for aircraft needs) and I'm trying to read it.

However, this sensor is not documented in the Phazer 500 maintenance manual, only the pressure switch is, not the sender.

The sender is a 3 wire sensors, so I guess it's a voltage divider but I cannot find any specifications on how to use it.

Does someone here know this sensors and can tell me usage of each wire position and reading specifications to get the actual oil pressure?


this is the 2 stroke site. for the question you are asking you would get better answers on ty4stroke.com in the phazer section.

this is the 2 stroke site. for the question you are asking you would get better answers on ty4stroke.com in the phazer section.
Uh, OK, I wasn’t getting that nuance from the site domain name ^^

Thank you, I will re-post.
