Carb nozzles


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
As most probably know, the nozzles are no longer available from Yamaha for the SRX carbs, BUT the Venture still lists them new. I read on a thread somewhere that these will work on SRX carbs. Can someone chime in here and verify this info?
Dont think they are the same.
SRX takes a


and the venture 600 is the only one still available, and its a


As most probably know, the nozzles are no longer available from Yamaha for the SRX carbs, BUT the Venture still lists them new. I read on a thread somewhere that these will work on SRX carbs. Can someone chime in here and verify this info?
Part Number in the format XXX-XXXXX-XX-XX

The first three digits are the Model Code (every model in the Yamaha Product Line has a unique model number) all parts are given a Model Code of the first model they were used on.

The middle five digits are the Basic Code number and indicates the actual part, i.e. 11631 = piston; 11311 = cylinder, etc.

"W" substituted in the first position of this five-digit group (000-W0000-00-00) indicates a factory assembled kit which differs in content from the original assembly used in production (i.e. 2M0-W0046-00-00 – Rear Break Pad assembly).

The next two digits are the Design Code and Design Change digits (so 01 means the part has had one design change). This part may or may not appear different, but it will be interchangeable with the original part.

The last two digits are the Color or Finish Code.

Based on this info, it should work.
Here is what I know about jets.
The following is a pilot jet part number.

3H1-14142-37-00 is for a 37.5 pilot jet​

3H1-14142-45-00 is for a 45 pilot jet​

So, it makes me think that the orofice size is going to be different in the nozzle jet
Here is what I know about jets.
The following is a pilot jet part number.

3H1-14142-37-00 is for a 37.5 pilot jet​

3H1-14142-45-00 is for a 45 pilot jet​

So, it makes me think that the orofice size is going to be different in the nozzle jet
But according to the numbering system would still be interchangeable.
Yes, I agree, it would physically fit, just like any pilot jet would fit.
But, if the orifice size that the needle sits in is bigger or smaller than stock, it will affect things, just like putting the wrong jets in the carb.
The mains are labeled the same way too I believe.
Thats how I understand it anyway.
