Long time no post. Anyways, I’m looking for info on what can be done with the little 300 twin in the Enticer to wake it up. What were you guys doing with these things back in the day?

What’s your plans with it?Long time no post. Anyways, I’m looking for info on what can be done with the little 300 twin in the Enticer to wake it up. What were you guys doing with these things back in the day?
Trail riding and radar runs, maybe grass drags.What’s your plans with it?

Sounds like a fun little project!Trail riding and radar runs, maybe grass drags.
from what the old brain remebers, they do not like dual carbs at all and pipes where not worth the hassle if planning to trail ride it. a good port and polish and clutch tuning where the best bang for the buck on the 300/340 sleds that i was aware of.
I would ditch the oil injection. Pull the air box off and install a 38mm slide type carb. Then install an old 84 phazer clutch with a silver spring and 8vo ramps. Take .020" off the heads as well. Jobber head gaskets are way thicker than yamaha gskt. Try and get squish clearance down to .052"-.055" premix 32-1. Good luck.