700 srx crank shaft


New member
Jan 8, 2022
Does anyone have the crank shaft alignment specs for these 600-700 srx's
I can't seem to find a Yamaha dealer here on the east coast that has them
I have cranks with various damages and would like to repair them.
any help would be wonderful.
I have learned a lot from this site about the SRX's
I am sorry if this is posted in the wrong section
No seems as i can not find the right info i am looking for
I can not believe with all the good info and professional engine builders on this site that no one has a drawing to show the proper indexing to put a 98-99 srx crank shaft back together in the proper alignment before welding the pins.
I had 3 crank shafts sent to a supposed to be professional for repairs and they came back all out of alignment.
Any help with this info would be really helpful
i just went through the srx manuals from 98 and 2000 and did not see anything on degree marking the crank. i could guess from the picture but there should be something in a service update from 98/99 as; if memory serves; as a local guy that was doing the welding on the cranks for yamaha for warrenty back then. he just welded them, he did not re do them at all.
Thanks for the response
The welder is the easy part to find lol
The alignment/indexing info seems to be scarce
well from looking at the parts fiche diagrams, looking at the crank from the pto end with pto one at 12 (clock face reference's) it looks like the centre cylinder should be at the 8 o clock position and the mag cyl should be at 4 o clock position.
I was looking at the manual at the Yamaha shop today again
Trying to find the factory recall alignment from Yamaha that was used to align the cranks before welding them
And again could not find it anywhere
I know there are guys in this site with the info I am looking for the indexing or what the pin degrees are
An end view drawing showing the pin locations would be great
My other option will be to rip apart a running sled and get the indexing info that way

And thanks again for the second response

I will put a crank together the way you mentioned and put it in the case and see if the tdc lines up on the clutch to make the equal spacing
