76 SRX 440 new guy looking for advice


New member
Nov 25, 2024
Hey everyone, new guy here looking for some help. I know I'm new here and these forums can be a bit untrusting of newbies so please go easy on me lol. I'm not stranger to sleds, but have a special project for a friend I'm looking for some help with.

Let's get into it! I've got a 76 SRX 440 engine that needs rebuilt. Cylinders will be getting sent out they have a ridge at the top. I'm looking for pistons and having a hard time finding anything. I have the 18mm wrist pins. My understanding is the 78+ have larger 20mm wrist pins and pistons are more readily available.

Here's my question: Can connecting rods from a 78 be installed on my 76 crank to run the newer pistons? Or is there a different crank I can use in the 76 case? I hear I can use a 78 crank and case? You guys are the experts so hoping you can point me in the right direction. Looking to buy parts so if anyone has anything for sale please comment.

I plan on using cylinders as I've been told they are ported by Aaen. Along with Aaen pipes and taper bored carbs this thing should be fun! It's been sitting for years and looking to get it back running. Thanks in advance for any help!
