2021 Yamaha Mountan Max 154 performance issues


New member
Nov 12, 2024
I purchased a 2021 Yamaha Mountan Max 154 w/ 750 miles. Sled came from Montreal Canada, I live in Colorado. Also I had a dealer scope cylinder, looked good. Compression was at 115 PSI. Is the PSI normal for this sled?

Took it out for first time, it seemed to accelerate good, but I noticed a few issues that didn't feel right:

1. Quit squel, rattle sound, both at idil and acceleration.

2. Crossing open field 2' of snow (semi powder, hard) and sled wouldn't go over 46 mph?

3. Sled always seemed to ster to the left.

4. When letting of throttle, sled seemed to stop immediately instead of coast. This made my momentum get pushed into handlebar...

5. It felt quick of line, but not very fast.

It was fun, but a bit disapointed at same time. Does anyone have any idea to any of these issues?

Also any recommendations to enhance performance?

Any help would be Greatly appreciated. Thankyou!


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that top speed might be pretty close for a 400 cc sled with that much track. my old et is running its lungs out at 55 mph with a 136" track with less paddle.

can you turn the track by hand? try with belt off as i thought there was clutching issues with these sleds from factory.
that top speed might be pretty close for a 400 cc sled with that much track. my old et is running its lungs out at 55 mph with a 136" track with less paddle.

can you turn the track by hand? try with belt off as i thought there was clutching issues with these sleds from factory.
I dissagree!!
