Red oil light on 2000 Venture VT600D


Oct 31, 2020
Was our for the second ride of the season and the red oil light came on. Topped off the oil tank and rode for a bit but it came back on. Checked the coolant reservoir and it was between low and max and topped it off.

The light has come back on now and steady. Could it be an issue with the oil injection system?

Any ideas? Thanks!
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normal for the smoke. all my 2 strokes, even the air cooled, give that smoke wisp off until the pipe is hot.
Thanks for the reply maim, still having trouble with the red oil light. I put the sled on its left side and up on a hill and removed the rad cap to try and burp any air. But then light persists so I mixed and fuel and gas 50:1 in the tank assuming it might be an oil injection issue.
you might want to pull the wiring harness out from under the motor and look for rub throughs as it was a common issue on these era sleds.
you might want to pull the wiring harness out from under the motor and look for rub throughs as it was a common issue on these era sleds.

I was looking for the harness today, do you know what it's called? couldn't find it. searching threads for my sled is tough i keep getting venture as in the MOTORCYCLE.... a little annoying LOL but there are probrably more more popular similar models to the venture - the vmax? viper? would help for searching purposes
the srx, vmax, sxr, sx viper and venture are all set up pretty close to the same for wiring routing and location. it usually runs under the motor next to belly pan and there are a few placed it chafes under there causing issues.
