Bought a turd 99 Phazer

That's where I'm stumped.
I can spin the speedo with a key with my fingers, and I can spin the speedo with a key with my fingers from the speedo drive, or just from the speedo cable.
Speedo drive looks a bit hammered from a previous owner but spins pretty okay?
I'm going to throw some parts at it. Cable first or speedo drive... I might try a wreckers for both at once, and buy stocks in speedo keys.

It should not shear unless there is something binding. Thats a tough one.
I ordered a new cable and some keys from Webike Japan, at minimum I'll have a spare kicking around as it's the same part # as my Mountain Max. I'll also follow the routing that my MM uses as everything on this PZ seems to be messed with from previous owner.
Webike Japan is a great hack for any Canadians who haven't checked Webike out.
