Need Expert advise on my 2003 Viper


Apr 9, 2006
Saline, MI
Issue, runs great up to 50 mph, it just bogs once that speed is hit, 0-50 mph runs great.
What I’ve done
Cleaned carb completely 2 times now
Reeds have been replaced with a used set from a viper.
Sled has electric start, battery isn’t staying charged, I’ve ohm the stator and it checks out fine. Thinking it might be the stator though.
Any advise will be appreciated, thanks
have you taken apart and cleaned the primary clutch?

secondary might need to be cleaned as well.

new spring in primary would not hurt either.

they need to move freely without the springs in them as i have seen sleds that sat get corrosion and not function properly.
So stator checks out. Great. The voltage regulator/rectifier is the next part between stator and battery. Very simple plug and play. Should read 14.0 - 14.3 after the change. Plenty of used rectifiers available.
As for the bogging.
Did you reinstall the carb vent lines back into the airbox after you worked on it?
The Vipers were the only Yamaha 2 stroke triples that vented their carbs into the airbox and they will run pig rich if the vents arent hooked up.
As for the bogging.
Did you reinstall the carb vent lines back into the airbox after you worked on it?
The Vipers were the only Yamaha 2 stroke triples that vented their carbs into the airbox and they will run pig rich if the vents arent hooked up.
Yep, which also means the airbox must be complete and in stock form. The boots between the airbox and carb must also be properly attatched and in good condition.
