gearing choice after going to 8 tooth drivers

I have a 1 1/4" ripsaw on my 01 Srx. I also installed the extravert drive sprockets from Whal racing (still 9 tothed). The only gearing changes I made were a 22t top sprocket (23std). If you decide to use the Extravert drive sprockets than you will need to have all the holes punched out in your track.
Whal makes them for the Yamahas. You may have to trim alittle off the very top edge. I had to on mine. I also installed a set on my 2000 SRX. I ran that sled for 8200miles with no problems. Their is alot to gain with those sprockets. Now for the bad part. They are around $75.00 each. You will only need two.
run what you had and up .2. So if you had 1.65 ratio go to 1.45 and it wil be the same end ratio.
Maxximum Performance has a real nice gearing chart in their 05 catalog. It shows ste ups for 8 and 9 tooth drivers and how to convert.
