Blue Devil
New member
Ok I have been working on a frends 95 v-max 600 we have changed the jets new clutch kit droped the main 3 sizes and pilots 2 or 3 sizes and it getting about 3 mpg there are no gas leaks. what can we do to get this easyer on gas.
Lifetime Member
Check the reeds. A buddys 94 was doing the same, getting progressively worse on fuel and he changed the reeds and voila, back to normal. There were NO visual defects but he did say that the old ones didn't sit tight against the cages like the new ones did.
Active member
yea definately check the reeds. If those are sealing well and not chipped or cracked, look to the midrange circuit, namely, the needles. Those things always seem real rich with the stock needle settings. 3 mpg says there is probably something else though. How is the clutching? Do they run nice and cool, or are they screaming hot? Does the driveline move freely?