Wayne Rainey memorobilia/vids


New member
Jan 5, 2004
SW ontario
this is a long shot i"m sure, but noone would happen to have any wayne rainey memorobilia or video kicking around would you? I'm starting to take a pretty serios interest in the yamaha grand prix history, and this guy was the man who took the fight to the wolves, and it cost him almost everything (as he was paralyzed in a relativly mild crash mid-season 93) this guy sacrificed his baby finger that he could continue riding during the 92 season, which he won, the man took the crown back from honda, defended the title for 3 years, which tied the record at that time (has since been broken) and in my books goes down as one of the best racers of all time.

his "arch rival" kevin schwantz rode for an independant suzuki team "lucky strike" and was without a doubt one of, if not THE most gifted rider ever to throw a leg over a motorcycle. the reason that rainey successfully fended off schwantz and an army of others with there sights set on yamaha is that Rainey fought the war, not the battle.

whereas his competitors had the nobleness of mind to "win or crash" rainey had the persistance to hound them and stalk them taking a second if need be, but half the time his prey had to try to hard to evade that they would crash out, leaving him a clear shot at the victory.

the rainey v schwantz duel was one of the defining eras in grand prix history.

in any case, to everyone that already knew all this, i'm looking for video footage of the man in action!! I have virtually nill
