Suspension questions as far as using your sled on water (skipping)


New member
Nov 30, 2004
So I have a 2000 MM 700 with th 141" track and wondering what is the best set up for skiping water crossings . I have a transfer enhancement kit on it now and everything else is stock . The previous owner said that it bounced the front end alot when skipping . The front limiter straps are about 2/3 cranked down , would it help to loosen them or tighten them up more ? Also the shocks are on the stiff setting and the middle shock brake in bottom whole . So all suggestions appreciated . It has stock plastic SRX ski's . I don't wantto be sinking it like the other owner....LOL . :o| :o|

no body skips huh

I guess not many people skip with there sleds . We skip the rivers all the time here , up to 1/2 mile at times to get up the valley . Someone has to have some experience with suspension adjustments and water.............. :o|
try to get strub (cant remember his first name). he watercrosses sleds so he could point you in the right direction
great , thx for the link

I sent him a PM , maybe he can give me some pointers on the set up for skipping . THX for the help
