I was checking the belt height on the secondary and noticed that the belt set alot lower on one side than the other. I didn't notice any freeplay in the sheaves, like maybe a bushing. I measured outside of sheave to outside, there was about an 1/8 inch difference. Anyone else have this problem? 04 viper w/1800 miles. Thanks
Check the inboard bushing to see that it is in place where it belongs and not worn out.
Thanks Ding . I'll check that first.
I pulled the secondary apart, there is definitly some up and down play in the bushing, how much is to much? Also, any tips on removing the bushing from the clutch sheave, I have a new one ordered? Thanks
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If you are not familiar with replacing bushings, do your self a favor and take the sheaves with you when you pick up the bushings and have the dealer press it in for you. If you don't get it straight or you chamfer one of the edges, it will cause you problems.