hood painting, this guys good!!!!!


New member
Feb 9, 2004
Valparaiso, Indiana
first off i don't know this guys other than through business, i am of no relation, i am not promoting, selling, etc.... for this guys just thought i would show you some sweet paint jobs this guy does! i will be gettin my hood done by this guy in the future and thought i'd help get the word out for him, and you never know, if we get enough from ty maybe he'd cut us a deal. anyways, check out his site and the work he does, its really increadible!!! thanks!!!

click here

That guy is amazing what he can do is incredible you will have to post some pics of what your hood looks like when it is done. Some of those helmets are perfect and would mach my sled :WayCool: ;)!
man, i wonder what the price tag on those boat jobs are!!! them boats alone are a pretty penny, then start throwin in the custom stuff..... WOW!!!! anyone on ty have a custom paint job they'd like to show off? thanks!!!
Actually one of our friends paints coustm cars for a living and dose windshield too and he paints it from the back so that if the front gets scratched the paint ont be affected. also mine is custom you can see it in the sled garage last page under spiderviper but mine is a lot more intricut. :WayCool:
ya, i saw the windscreens, but i was meaning the decals on the hood of the sleds. those aren't stock, are they? i haven't seen any stockers like that. thanks!!!!
