when hooking up harness to power up servo, it does not work. tested servo on other machine o.k. replaced cdi, checked all of wiring harness(under motor, in dash). everything seens to be working o.k. when srx is running, except for servo. could there be broken strands of copper in the wire? any ideas?
New member
Is the coolant light flashing? If it flashes 7 times that means there is a stuck valve, or unplugged wire somewheres... It just happened to me yesterday, come to find out I had one wire unplugged....busted my balls and all it was-was a unplugged wire..grrrr
New member
Is the key on??? Other wise you have a harness issue
I have had this happen before and the CDI box went bad ...its was a 99 SRX, oout a used box on and was back in business....