Did some racing


New member
Dec 31, 2004
Lined up against a 96 stock ZRT 600 with 192 pixx, 1000' race, LOST by 4 sledlengths.... wtf

lined up against stock 03 f7 efi.. lost by 5 sled lengths...... :(

So the srx is all tore apart right now... i think its thefact that im missing a pipe gasket?

I was REALLY surprised how fast the zrt 600 was compared to the fkitty.

my gearing is dropped a tooth, and it has a goodwin clutch kit. I think my big issue is traction, i have a 1 inch warn camo track with 192 heavily warn pixx

If your refering to the donut gasket between the pipe and the flange than yea, you will lose power if thats missing. The sad thing is... those little bastards cost about $20 each.
You need traction & proper rpm,s. 98-99 SRX 700 needs 8100 holeshot climbing to 8300. Add 1-200 rpm for a 00-02 700 SRX.
Put a heel clicker clutch kit in and some good transfer rods a 9830 track with 144 mega bites and eat em alive!!!!
get rid of the goodwin clutch kit.Every kit they make seems to gain a little bit out of the whole and has backshidt but after 300ft goodwin seems slower.
A ZRT 600 was a fast sled in thier day, however a SRX 700 should have no problem with beating one.
