suddenly won't pull RPM's

full tilt viper

New member
Dec 1, 2004
Southern Ontario
suddenly just cruising at about 125k felt the sleds power fall off by about 15% just like you threw a switch. My firth thought was i had a cylinder going down! when i slowed down it was firing on all cylinders but the snap was not there. The next day I went to start it with full ckoke. When ever i thouched the throttle i would just bog and would not idle.I had to just inch into the throttle to get it started. When i tried to got going the motor would just bogg. After a few seconds it seemed to jump back to life and away it went. As soon as i was on the lake it seemed ok but after about 5 k at 140kms
it started to tighten up again and the rpms started to fall. Normally it will pull 8700 to 8900 no matter the conditions. Now when i stab the throttle it struggles to hit 8000. I you stay in the gas it will eventually pull the rps to 8700 but it takes a long time.My EGT's are normal, all plugs look good, did a compression test all 120,new belt,It feels like an electrical problem because it happened instantly but i'm not sure. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

how about a broken motor mount ??? wouldnt cause everything you stated but would cause the bog and the low rpm's ????
Mine did that for the past 3 rides, just not 100%. I have been lightning my fly weights since I put the taller gears in and have been jerking with the HH’s Well, Sat. on a not so frozen reservoir up on Tug Hill, I found out why I have been loosing RPM's..... I also got a small backfire at about 40mph every so often. I know something was going south and I pulled my carbs/reeds/cages all looked good. I actually thought I sucked a reed stopper part in. But, I looks like I busted a ring. I am betting I did it about 3 rides ago when I looked down and 10,300 on my tach on a super long run in -10* temps. The rest of that 3 day ride my sled just was not that same. So, I think that is when the trouble started. The cool thing here is that I drove this sled off the ice and pulled the plug (which had the electrode smashed in) replaced it, started it up and drove it back to camp 30 miles running at 8000+ RPM's. Got back to camp and all she had was 50 PSI. I ended up riding the spare SRX for the rest of the weekend. Doug


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It looks like it, but it still ran fine. You could not hear the difference and if you look at the center of the piston it's perfect (see my other post called looking for parts). So, on a sunny day looking into that black hole it all looked fine. So, I drove it back to camp and I did not baby it (because I did not care if it got more wrecked) and I was not walking 30+ miles. I then started it the next morning and drove it around the house and put it in my truck for the drive home. We were all amazed at that motor. It still had 50-60 PSI yesterday when I took it apart. Doug
