Checking Compression


New member
May 2, 2003
Staunton, Il
Could someone give me the proper procedure for checking compression? Example: warming sled up, shut off, hold full throttle, etc., etc.,

I'm not sure of the steps involved.

bill cudneys procedure is as follows, start sled idle for 5 seconds, pull all plugs hold throttle wide open and pull eight times. i test all sleds that way and it gives you a straight solid base line for every one you do. then it makes it easier to compare sled to sled. ski
Thanks, Eric.

He says to only let it idle for 5 seconds? Also, I only have one compression gauge. Do I still pull all the plugs and leave the two ports open while I'm checking the other cylinder?

Sorry for the confusion, but I didn't know if your explanation above figured on me having three gauges (checking all three cylinders at once).

Make sure your kill switch is pushed in so that theres no spark while pulling the starter recoil. It can damage parts of the ignition system if allowed to spark ungrounded.
I think the exact procedure is less important than following the SAME procesure for all 3.

general rule of thumb I've heard is pull all the plugs, hold the trottle open, pull 3 times. make sure you're pulling consistantly.
If you can run it, I'd run it till its all the way warm (you can feel it on the running boards)
The way we do it in the shop is to just pull it until the gauge quits going up, and stays at a steady PSI. You can have your plugs out of the other cylinders while you are checking one cylinder, its not going to effect the cylinder you are checking, And it will make it easier to pull. This is exactly how my instructor (who runs/owns his own shop, and has been doing it for 30 years) teaches how to do it.
only need one guage jon, do one cyl at a time. with the plugs out, makes it alot easier to pull over. key off or kill switch off is fine. ski
