who has had the 02 vper shock upgrade?


New member
May 7, 2003
Northeast, IA.
Do you think the Yamaha shock kit will be as good a ride quality as Pioneer would do if they revalved the shocks on a 02 Viper? And did you guys get to keep your old shocks? My dealer said I would have to pay any labor in excess of 1 and 1/2 hours. To me that means if their mechanic can't change these shocks in and hour and a half, they are milking me for some extra cash. Also they say I can't keep the old shocks. Is this true? Seems like I've read some posts on here about people selling their old shocks after getting the re-valve shocks put on. I figured I could get some real feedback from you guys if I posted this instead of taking the dealer's word for it, as they are a very small Yamaha dealer and said they have never even done this upgrade to a Viper. Thanks.

if you get them rebuilt by an aftermarket instead of the yamaha shock upgrade, you can get them valved to your specific weight and riding style, whereas the yamaha package is a one size fits all type deal.
Ive got em, Im probaly around 175 with gear, and an aggressive rider. fra in the middle, center spring tightened up and it works good, front are decent also. These are on a 98 sx 700 though.
I have the ones that they give you on the recall but they are so much better than the ones that came on there and would never gop with out them again really you should get the upgarde lot nicer of a ride and i did not get to keep the other shocks though. :WayCool:
We did the upgrade too. We got our old shocks back after the 3 month waiting period. The minute I got them back I put the stiffer shocks back on the front end. I'm 200 lbs with gear and the upgraded rear package works great.

Why did you put the stiffer ones on the front? Too soft? Loss of cornering? This leads me to believe the rears are the problem then. Did they bottom in the 2 footers at speed?(50-60mph)
I have the upgrade and I'm 230 lbs without my gear on. I'm not a ditch-banger and I'm pleased with the upgrade. They would probably be too soft for an aggressive rider.

Ask your dealer if you can install them yourself.
I run a fair bit of ditches, and jump damn near anything around, bottoming isnt an issue with mine, works good, im triple piped and my front end is probaly around the same weight as an srx. The shock upgrade was my best upgrade this year, although the 9818 track is a close second. JMO.
My brother and I bought left over 02 Vipers last fall. We bought the shocks through a different dealer and they shipped them right to us. They let us keep the old ones and we just put the new ones on ourselves. I like them a lot better, I left mine with the stock shocks for the first ride and found them way too stiff. I would recommend doing the install yourself.

We both sold our stock shocks and got nearly $300 for them, so we actually made money on the whole deal and got better shocks for our sleds.
