ak ryda
New member
Does anyone know how many gallons of gas are left in your tank when the low fuel light comes on? Or do any of you guys have a general rule of thumb for how many miles you can ride with the light on before you run out of juice.
Active member
its not a number of "gallons", but you can usually do AT LEAST 20 miles with the light on, my buddy went 30 before and it was still running.
I have gone over 50 miles after the light comes on, but I do not recommend it.
Sounds like 4 to 6 gallons by extrapulating MPR to Miles left.
6 gallons left would be 1/2 a tank. Would be pretty worthless to have the light come on at half tank. besides 40 miles on 6 gallons is more like modded sx milage not viper milage. maxdlx
New member
I went 20 miles after light came on and was only able to pump 10 gallons in it. So you must have 2 or so gallons left when the light comes on.
New member
I think it depends on the Viper. My 04' guage reads alot lower than my wifes 02' but when we pull up to the pump they take about the same amount of fuel. I never had to test the range of the 04' but i did have to go over 30 miles (due to a wrong turn) with the 02' when the light was on. I got home and unloaded it off the trailer and the next time I went to start it it wouldn't fire....the tank was dry. A close one for sure.
New member
2.5 Gallons from what I figured on my sled
I seem to have about 3-4 gallons when it comes on. closer to 3 I think
Active member
ViperTom said:I think it depends on the Viper. My 04' guage reads alot lower than my wifes 02' but when we pull up to the pump they take about the same amount of fuel. I never had to test the range of the 04' but i did have to go over 30 miles (due to a wrong turn) with the 02' when the light was on. I got home and unloaded it off the trailer and the next time I went to start it it wouldn't fire....the tank was dry. A close one for sure.
Definately a close call, but evaporation probably had a little to do with the fact that it was dry next time. Small amounts of gas evaporate pretty quickly.
Just over 3 gallons in mine. Yes they did effectively recalibrate the gauges on both the Viper and RX-1 in '04.