Wawa Next Week


Darn Tootin'
May 8, 2003
Howell, MI
I plan to be in Wawa, Ontario next week for likely my last ride of the year.

Anybody going to be up there next week (March 28 - April 1) ?

I was planning on being there March 31-April 4 but the weather is not looking good for next week. High 40's and a couple days of rain. Have to wait and see?
We have been going to Northern Ontario several times a year for many years now so I know what you are talking about. I have been very close to lynx, wolves, fox, and moose. I believe in leaving them alone when I can, but they seem to like to be right on trail as I come around a corner. Almost hit one of the lynx. He must not have liked it, because he stopped about 15 feet away and hissed at me just like a farm cat. That got my attention.
I would love to be up there next week just can't talk the wife into going so were headed south. The Wawa club president said there trails will hold up for atleast a couple more weeks so you'll be good to go. With the warmer weather coming some hazards will pop up so be careful and have fun!
