something is loose in my bender silencer


New member
May 6, 2003
i have bought a used bender silencer for my sx seems like something is loose inside, i wonder is it the packing material?
they are rebuildable, they are made with the top riveted on so you can access the baffle section to replace the fibreglass packing. (usually needs to be done every other year or so depending on how much you ride.) one of the rivets maybe be broken or the packing has broken down in an area and the baffle is rubbing in the can. order a repack kit from bender and tear it apart. good luck. ski
you dont need to buy the bender kit man they want too much for there packing
you can use the packing from fmf the same packing we all run in motorcross bikes
and you pay way less money for it too

i can buy 3 packs of fmf packing for what bender sells hes for
just order it froma jobber book like denis kirk
save you lots of money and dose the same thing
I took the can apart,the packing material was broken,how should i pack the can,how tight?should it be any packing in the bottom of the can.
