Clutching Help - Turk/SRX Magic


May 26, 2003
New Liskeard, Ontario
I need some help with clutching for my 2000 SRX, it has been longtravel'd and longtrack'd to 136 with RipSaw, gearing is 23/39, currently stock clutching & Bender Can, (i know the can loose HP but that another question), i am 200+lbs rider and ride 50/50 on/off trail. Most set ups i have seen are for short track SRXs. I looking for a good set up for both types of riding (if possible). I was thinking of getting tunable weights like HC or HH and unsure of helix pick and deg of twist. I am not looking for huge stock pile of parts but would consider a few so i can play around. Now for the second question on Bender Can, the only reason i picked one up was to loose weight when off trail, is the weight loss really worth it or would the extra HP with stock can make up the difference?
Thanks in advance guys.............James

i would try leaving the primary the way it is, and trying a green secondary spring with around a 51/43 helix. You are going to need a little more side pressure in the secondary because you are pulling a bigger load now (more track, higher ride height, more friction). Then tune the primary from there by adding/subtracting rivets. Those weights are a great all around weights. You could also do as you were saying and get tunable weights.
I think the green sec spring is a good Idea or a silver but as for the helix I wouldn't go with any steeper start than a 47. May be like a 47/40.
The stock primary weights work great. Bolt in an advant-edge 48/40 with a green secondary spring at 70 degree wrap & you will be good to go.
Reaper do you have pics of your sled that you could post? I was thinking about an SRX long track project for summer but want to see one. Was it worth the time and money?
as turk always says those advant-edge helix's run steeper than the other brands, so it will seem like a little more that a 48/40 on the initial and final part of the shift.
Thanks guys for the help i will looking for the helix and green secondary spring over the summer if i have to will buy new....Turk as for the primary i may have to adjust the weight in the stock weights to keep RPMs in check right?

Oh ya here's a few pick of the sled, i was out yesterday and i think this will be the last time as they are calling for warmer/wet weather......


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Listen to Turk. I put that helix in my 01 at his suggestion and it rocks! I had to put 4.5 gram rivets in both holes and go with a WWW primary spring to get the RPMs right. It's really a great all around setup without breaking the bank. :rockon:
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yamaholic22 said:
as turk always says those advant-edge helix's run steeper than the other brands, so it will seem like a little more that a 48/40 on the initial and final part of the shift.

When you say "run steeper" what do you mean? Is this helix advertised at these angles but are actually steeper angles?
Every company (Advant-Edge, Dalton, Micro Belmont) measure their angles differently. They all also have their own way of cutting the ramp of the helix as well. You can not compare a 48/40 Dalton to a 48/40 Advant-Edge as they don't measure out the same. There is no "industry standard" on how the helix should/could be cut. The Advant-Edge helixes, though they may have lower numbers on them, tend to run steeper (shift faster) than the other companies similar helix.
