i can't seem to figure out why i get increase engine idle when i turn my handle bars all to one side, all cable seems fine, am i missing something here, 2" rise went in no problem, any have this problem and have fix...........Reaper
New member
Sorry to quote the obvious, but there must be tension on the cable. Otherwise this condition woudl not be related to handlebar movement.
Try re-routing the cables (if possible). I know there isnt much to deal with on my stock SRX. If I remember correctly, the throttle cable is two part. It must be pulling apart slightly at the joint, when turning left.
Try re-routing the cables (if possible). I know there isnt much to deal with on my stock SRX. If I remember correctly, the throttle cable is two part. It must be pulling apart slightly at the joint, when turning left.
New member
I had that problem with my oil cable so keep an eye on that also. If you start using large amounts of oil check to see if your cable separated at the adjuster. I had to go with a MM cable. Everytime I turned it pulled out and when it does it catches and won't go back in.