Pre-Filter on SRX?


VIP Member
Aug 9, 2003
Northern, IL
Anyone used the pre-filter from Maxximum performance? A couple of years back I blew mine up from sucking in snow after riding in powder most of the day. I am considering putting this on, but I don't want to hurt performance!!

go ahead and put it on, you wont notice any loss in performance and if you do a lot of powder riding it is definately a good idea so that the airbox stays clear.
Thanks Holic. I really don't do much powder riding at all. What happened was they got over a foot of snow and then it was real windy. There were huge drifts everywhere, so I was hitting everything I could. It was a great day of riding, until about 40 miles out she blew. Towed it to a dealer and they said I stuck the piston because of sucking snow into the airbox. I just want to be sure it doesn't happen again. I think I will order one up! Thanks again!
Works well!

I put one on this year after going 136 on my SRX7 and never had one bog, a few times there was lots of snow and steam and got full power, the guys i rode with were surprise that i never had any problems..............James
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I might have one for sale. Let me see if I can find it. ===SRXSRULE===
Found it. If anyone wants its I'll sell it for 14.00 shipped anywhere in the US. I will be gone fri-tue. Just e-mail me at if you want it. ===SRXSRULE===
