I hate yamaha!!!!!!!

Good one!

I called the wife this morning from work and told her that I had a falling out with my boss and the plant manager and that I was coming home early because I got myself fired. After listening to the screams and getting reamed out over the phone I just calmly said “April Fools” and hung up. I am sure I will be “cut-off” for awhile but damn it was funny!
I stopped by the local Firestone dealership yesterday to have a tire repaired only to find out that the Upper and Lower intake gaskets are shot on my car. So, I called my wife to tell her the news, and what does she say - Ha Ha April Fools, you got me. But it was the truth, so does that mean she was really fooled??? Reverse April Fools strikes again.

I just read this, I thought ,man, what happened to his sled this time.
Ya got me!LMAO ;)!
