Shady advertising or am I just slow ?


New member
Nov 30, 2004
One thing i wasn't completely aware of and thought was a bit shady was that the advertising i've seen for the new sleds was they were all the new rider forward design and now after reading a little closer , I guess only the APEX is the Delta 2 chasis ? Is this correct , what about the ATTACK ? So I see where I would feel deceived as a consumer if i ordered a NYTRO and later found out it was just a different seat etc. , I feel Yamaha should be more clear on the difference ! Perhaps I've just missed alot of info in all my mags and adds I've seen ? Just thought I would point this out and get a little more feed back from some other BLUE blooded people . So is this the deal or is the Delta 1 chasis now altered in some structural way to improve position of rider ? :babe:

Anything with the Genesis 150 EFI motor has the new Delta Box II chassis, Apex, Attack and Mountain. The Nytro just has a new configuration with the old chassis. Thats what I get from the ads and reading the mag's. Yamaha's brochure states it this way too.
The features and benefits page for the Apex and Attack clearly identify the Deltabox II chasis. They identify the regular Deltabox on the Nytro's f & b page.
OK , just thought I would clarify for my understanding

Also so I would know what to say when brought up by the local Blue haters i ride with . THX for the answer . Any other comments also open too . THX ;)!
The Apex ER, RTX, GT and the Attak and the Apex Mountain are all new delta box II chasis... The Nytro is still the delta box chassis but with a new seat, tank cover and bars to move the rider more forward over the tank to give you a similar feel to the Apex. I have rode them all at the Demo ride earlier this year and as much as some think the Nytro is not rider forward....ride it and you will change your mind.
