Jeff H
New member
There was a thread on here awhile back about some clown who was ripping people off. He supposedly has some other username on Snowest. I am looking at some stuff on Snowest and I want this guys username so I know I'm not dealing with him. If anyone knows who I'm talking about and can help me out I appreciate it.
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VIP Lifetime Member
Get his real name, then you know for sure who you are dealing with. Save all emails on your puter plus print them off. he is very good at what he does. I had delivery confirmation signed by him, and he still got away with it. If you are at all sceptical have it sent cod, inspection nessecary. If its him he won't agree to it. Maxdlx
Darn Tootin'
Check his rating and how long he has been a member on While number of posts doesn't mean much, if he has very few posts on snowest you might want to be a little skeptical. The masses at snowest will roast anyone who conducts shady deals in a heartbeat. They can be vicious over there.
Paul's advice above is also good advice, get a real name and street address if money is going to be involved.
Paul's advice above is also good advice, get a real name and street address if money is going to be involved.
New member
the guy i think your talking about is srxtreem (spell?)
Jeff H
New member
Yeah Viper, thats who I am refering to HERE, but does he have another name over at Snowest? I saw where others said Monster7 but that was not the same guy. I'm looking for Marc's username on Snowest if anybody knows it.
Your #1 performance shop!
It's the same on Snowest.
Jeff H
New member
Ok, then it's not him. Thanks very much guys.
New member
Yes, Marc from Ontario. Idiot!!~! Ask BillyBong about Him.
Almost got sucked in
Almost got sucked in, but as they say. if its too good to be true, it usually is.
SRXEXTREEM and he did have another mane on snowest. keep looking, it was on here just last month.
Almost got sucked in, but as they say. if its too good to be true, it usually is.
SRXEXTREEM and he did have another mane on snowest. keep looking, it was on here just last month.
Mark Gilbeault
I believe his name is Marc Gilbeault. I don't know if that is how you spell the last name or not. One way to identify him is with his is at about 1st grade level. He ownes a trucking business in Canada. Comes off as a really nice guy on the phone. STAY AWAY FROM HIM!!!
I believe his name is Marc Gilbeault. I don't know if that is how you spell the last name or not. One way to identify him is with his is at about 1st grade level. He ownes a trucking business in Canada. Comes off as a really nice guy on the phone. STAY AWAY FROM HIM!!!