New member
Where can I find a guide or information on how to port my Exciter 440. Is this something that has to be done by a professional?
Active member
it is possible to be done by someone without sending it in to a professional, but only if you have some experience with it and know exactly what to do. If you just grab and dremel and start cranking away you will probably find yourself in trouble and you can't erase it once its done. Cylinders aren't cheap either.
New member
you can do it yourslef if you go to Race Logic's home page and buy templates for your sled, and buy a porting kit and you can do it, but yeah it's tricky, best bet is to get a professional to do it, but you need the specs to go by first.
mrviper700 did my 700 srx cylinders, pistons, and heads. absolutely love it. only charged me $360 shipped back to me and that was for all 3 cylinders. gave me about another 15HP you have a twin so it probably wont cost as much. send him a pm. he does alot of port work