Warm Pipes!

Danger Dog

VIP Member
May 14, 2003
Back in March we got some fresh powder and I was playing with my SRX and the pipes got so hot that it melted the rubbers that the pipes set on. One actually was on fire. The only thing that I can think of is the vents were plugged and the underhood temps were high. Has anyone had this happen? You should be able to play in the powder!

wow i have never heard anything like that. Does one of the pipes have a leak maybe where the braces connect on the bottom. That could be allowing hot gases to escape directly onto the mounts. The crack may be hard to see, check them over good.
What was the temp. I know my SRX did not like fresh powder. The sled really was not masde for that use. I think You just pushed her a little hard and the snow prevented the proper ventilation. :WayCool:
yea it could happen, i mean those pipes are making A LOT of heat under there and if you dont have a lot of air flowing through it could get things hot under there in a hurry. Probably why people install those slp ducts
steaming hot Vmax.

I had same thing with my Vmax4. Not in fire though, but steaming hot after I played in deep snow with the air temp in +10c. The hood was soo hot from ontop of the pipes that I had a burn in my fingers when I touched it... Permanet fingerprints on my sled!

There was snow packed in the vents, and after I cleared them temps went down. And also sunking it until the bars were left ontop of the snow helped a lot...

SLP ducts ? What are those ?

not ducts, actually, i used poor word choice. Vents is a much better term. They have angular vents that you can put in your bellypans to direct cooling air to clutches, exhaust brakes, etc.
I've seen it happen, actually got so hot it burnt the insulation between the heat shield and the pipe right out and melted the aluminum shields and distorted them!
I never had that problem my self but my brother in law's '96 indy storm melted a 1" hole in the side of the bellypan.Warm day the last ride of the season my temp light came on twice.
This happened to my friends sx The first thing the dealer asked him was if he had recently been riding in powder, I guess it works the motor pretty hard and the pipes tend to get real hot
yea the big thing is that it works the motor real hard, and you aren't going fast enough to get a lot of airflow over the pipes to cool them off.
maybe you should think about spray painting the pipes with ceramic coating. Keeps the heat down pretty well.
