How much do I have to cut off my track going from 8 to 9 toogh drivers?


New member
May 19, 2003
Churchill Falls,NL, Canada
All things being equal, my 2002 mmax with stock 8t drivers and 2" lug track, I want to put in 9 tooth ones, how much do I have to cut off the track to clear? 1/4" and what are the different size diameters of the 8t and 9t drivers?

I cut 5/8" off my 2" stock Yoko-Ono... I have no clearance isssues.. Didn't mearsue if I had full 1/4" however...

Didn't you already cut your track down?... A new track?..

with my 141" and 9 tooth drivers, I still haven't used the track adjusters yet... Still very tight and likely my cause for pooer fuel economy that I was hoping for...

What lenght track?.. If 141, might have trouble with 9 drivers and 8 inch wheels..

It's a 144" track, and i have 1" rear extension/8" wheel conversion kit from MTN perf. they say this combo will work, I just need to know how much to cut off my NOW 2" track.........
Hey Max

Check out my post in the Viper section reading "what's the diameter difference between". If I knew how to put the link here I would, but I don't. I believe the answer was that the 8 tooth was slightly over 3/4 of an inch smaller than the 9 tooth. Check it out to be sure. ridesrx
1 3/4" lug track will work with 9 tooth drivers. There is about 1/4" clearance at the closest point at the front heat exchanger. Your 2 1/4" track may have a thicker "belt section", so you may have to trim it slightly shorter then the 1 3/4".
1 3/4" lug height. I have a #9933 (136" 16" 1.75") in mine with 9 tooths. It's kind of a hassle to get the axle in, when you first install it. Once it's in and the driver lugs are engaged to the track, things go much easier.
