For a 04 viper s.I want to get a clutch kit for my 04 viper s,i dont want to be messing around with it all winter to get it right.Right now im reving at 8900 rpm with an indicated speed of 118 mph(with the 1.25 ripsaw track).I am installing a 1" 9830 with 144 studs this year.Any suggestions?
Active member
I thought you were selling that sled? What are you doing with the ripsaw?
Im going to keep it another year,the ripsaw has seen better days.A lot of the outside lugs are torn on it.If you want it let me know,you pay the shipping and i'll give it to ya when i take it off.
New member
contact Ulmer racing
that's SRXSPEC off these boards, incredibly knowledgable guy and does all his clutch kit testing on a dyno, unlike his competition. he'll set one up specifically for you, not this one size fits all crap.
that's SRXSPEC off these boards, incredibly knowledgable guy and does all his clutch kit testing on a dyno, unlike his competition. he'll set one up specifically for you, not this one size fits all crap.
New member
blueblooded said:Im going to keep it another year,the ripsaw has seen better days.A lot of the outside lugs are torn on it.If you want it let me know,you pay the shipping and i'll give it to ya when i take it off.
Hey if he does not want that track I would be intrested. How much to ship to 03909. Thanks.
Active member
blueblooded said:Im going to keep it another year,the ripsaw has seen better days.A lot of the outside lugs are torn on it.If you want it let me know,you pay the shipping and i'll give it to ya when i take it off.
How much will the shipping be to 53185? The weight of the track is about 39 lbs.
Active member
Heavy Hitters have been just that for me. Bolt in and go. I have my R's right around 8500, the sled rocks for a stocker and I never have to mess with it. I have just short of 3000 miles on this setup. Couldn't be happier.
yamaholic22 said:How much will the shipping be to 53185? The weight of the track is about 39 lbs.
I'll check and get back to you.I wont be taking it off until the fall when i get the new track.
I tried the heel clickers in my srx.I think i lost a little top end with them though.I heard a few people say the heavy hitters work good.
I'm real happy with my heavy hitters also - pulls hard all the way to the top!
Try give Jeff Simon a call he runs hh's in his clutch kits.He is always willing to help you get it dialed in perfect,and his stuff work's.
pro116 said:Try give Jeff Simon a call he runs hh's in his clutch kits.He is always willing to help you get it dialed in perfect,and his stuff work's.
Thanks,i'll give him a call.
For what its worth, that is where mine came from
i would send turk a message. My 02 viper was the same for overrev and he told me to put in a advant-edge 48-40 secondary and i have HC 40-10's with 4g heel and 3g in the tip and i am 8400 night and day in any condition with stock jetting ans exhaust.
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Jeff puts together the best all around bolt in kits there are, give him a call.
New member
Junior, just wondering how you or Allen can build a one of clutch setup on a track dyno for a 150 lbs driver or a 220 lbs driver
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Racesx, it's because we do alot more than just use the track dyno to make up our kits. The kits are initially developed on the track dyno and then field tested by a group of riders ranging from 150 lbs to 240 lbs (Myself, my father, or anyone else who is in our group rides so we know what adjustments are needed for different weight riders.) Generally we can go from our track dyno and I can jump on the sled out on the snow and be within 100 rpm of optimum rpm, but it all depends on the snow and weather conditions (I'm 150 lbs). It all comes down to a ton of testing and 5 years of track dyno experience to know what is going to work and what's not going to work out in the snow. Generally we can get away with something as simple as a secondary spring adjustment to go from a lighter rider to a heavier one or vice versa. Traction is also a big factor. If your sled is studded we can make the kit more aggressive because of the increased traction.
New member
i had the heavy hitters, adjusted and tested many times with no luck. so i went with 40-10 heel clickers. 8400rs all day and pulls much harder than the hh ever did
New member
Allen, I agree with Junior that there is no one size fits all kit. However I believe that it has been my experience that a track dyno kit is a good tool as well, and not a finished product. I agree you may get closer to the end product by using a track dyno as a comparison tool for some application however there is no substitute to field testing. This would have saved alot of money instead of Dale and I going to Alaska right.
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Terry, the amount of time and actual money it can save by comparing one setup to another can be alot and it so simple and easy to make changes on the track dyno and see the results instantly. Last weekend in 3 hours I made about 50 runs working on grass drag setups for the Vector. It's a tool like anything else. You can't get caught up in the amount of horsepower it's making at peak, but rather where and how quick it makes it and what the shift pattern looks like.