LMAO...who the hell would do that...or didi you make those images??
I found it on the net a couple weeks back.
Active member
lol, my buddies used to think about it when they were younger
New member
lol, surprising those ceilings dont cave in on those piece of junk cars lol.
New member
those are funny. Even funnier if they were sitting on them with full gear. I wonder if they just drive them off the front...LOL
New member
i dont think sportech handguards look good on SXR's like on the on in the pic. Looks to bubbley.
that caprice is a classic,would make a great demo car,instead of a sled hauler
Only in America!
Here the police would just loovvvee to meet them.
I should know, `cause I think I got a ticket from speeding today. Drove past a traffic control car, and the flashlight in there went. Traffic control car is a automatic system , "robot" what is located in a van. It takes photos automaticilly from cars when they go over the speed limit. And when those are in a van, they move around...
Now I just have to wait if the ticket comes with the mail!
Here the police would just loovvvee to meet them.
I should know, `cause I think I got a ticket from speeding today. Drove past a traffic control car, and the flashlight in there went. Traffic control car is a automatic system , "robot" what is located in a van. It takes photos automaticilly from cars when they go over the speed limit. And when those are in a van, they move around...
Now I just have to wait if the ticket comes with the mail!
New member
I got a speeding ticket like that in Germany when I was stationed there. They send you two photos. One of the person driving and the other the plate #. Kind of hard to beat that ticket.
Great pictures. They are funny
Great pictures. They are funny
New member
Yea really funny pics i might just try that with my Buick Regal......................