New member
I am putting a 4 inch articulated riser on my 02 viper, i have a 2" straight riser now and all the cables are at their max. if anybody had done this what did you use to extend hand and thumbe warmer wires. I was thinking of buying the same connectors (male/female) and making little 5 inch extesions to fit in between. Also would a MM brake and throttle cable work?
dude, go to the nearest bycicle shop and they can make you what you want for little money.
by the way, whats up???
pm me whats going on down in northern mass.
by the way, whats up???
pm me whats going on down in northern mass.
New member
Hey btv, not much going on, trying to get my sled ready a little at a time. I bought another viper so now i have 3. i was going to mod it for playing but decided to take the expert x out of it and put it in mine and 136 it. As far as going to the bike shop for the electrical hand and thumb warmers? i can see for the throttle but the electrical and brake line kinda baffled me.
duck tape and some tinsel from the christmas tree will lengthen your wires cheap.