kinda worried obout loosing speed with the 136 project im doing to my viper, i like speed and dont want to loose any, im going with a 136 ripsaw from a 121 kimpex snowcrooss both 1 1/4
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i would say maybe 1-3mph....not a whole lot. It'll make up for it by having better traction, faster acceleration, and better off-trail abilities.
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jese, im hopin to gain speed... i got a 144, and im tryin to get it cut down to a 136.. but i needs a new track and junk liek that.. i think ill wait till next summer to do that project but in the mean time i'd gain ALot of speed by takin off a 144 2" to a 136 1.25 or a 1.5 136" SRX is down at least 10 mph over Hugh,s similar tuned shortie.A 136 will help holeshot but the weight & extra drag slows down top end huge!!!!!
Your #1 performance shop!
Don't forget to mention that you and Hugh are both cheaters Turk, with those "stock" 700's right? LOL!
Al....mine will pass a tech before Hugh,s will. It would take a very good tech guy to bust me!!!!
ya you manitoba cheaters, us sask. guys are traight as an arrow, we never open up our engines, just got lucky to get a fast 600 twin, you know turk i have never seen a msrx do any type of speed, why can most rmk s do good top speed, and the renegades pull good top end to.
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our 136'd sx with triples lost about 10 mph compared to when it was a shorty.
New member
how much do you think ill gain with from a 144 2" to a 135 1.5
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probably at least a few mph, i would guess around 5mph
Man 10mph!! That would mean my SXR would run mid 120's....hmmm...maybe its time to switch back lol.