Super Moderator
Hope you all enjoy your day. I came home from work at 1:15 this morning to find my 4 kids and my wife waiting in the living room for me. Lots of neat gifts and a new leather recliner. Had to pry myself out of it to make this post. I am truly blessed with a fantastic wife and great kids. My 6 yr. old wanted to sleep in the recliner with me LOL!
New member
Same to ya Viper Dave and all the rest of the dads out there!!!
New member
Fathers Day
Yes, it was a great day. My family was home, my daughter made a big breakfast and I worked on some of my old sleds. Not bad.
Yes, it was a great day. My family was home, my daughter made a big breakfast and I worked on some of my old sleds. Not bad.
I rented a supercross track for 8 hours on fathers day. My wife and kids came out to watch dad ride, we had a bar-b-q and then me and my buddies rode until we cramped up. Today it feel like someone beat me with a bag of nickels. But clearing the triples, blitzing the woops, conquering the rhythm sections and smoking the tabletops makes it all worth it.