I raced two times against the new Mach in 660 ( 201 m ). I lost both times one sled lenght. We raced on snow ( loose spring stuff ). Both times I was left spinning at the start. My stock 28mm lug track didn`t hook up ( it used to be 28mm new...), but I was closing in on them both tímes. Mach`s here have 32mm lugs on their tracks.
Anyway, what I lost I lost in the start. I`ve got my setup pretty much right. I get my lift off in 4600 rpm`s and my Max runs strong trough to distance. Lack of traction is my problem. Haven`t played around with my jettin. I want to play it safe, and since my Max is crisp at all times, didn`t feel a need for it. My sled has good top speed for a 136`one , 169kmh in the GPS. Could do better since I ran out of room when I rode it. Enough for me and for the skid suspension...
So, what has been your experiences with that new Mach ?
Anyway, what I lost I lost in the start. I`ve got my setup pretty much right. I get my lift off in 4600 rpm`s and my Max runs strong trough to distance. Lack of traction is my problem. Haven`t played around with my jettin. I want to play it safe, and since my Max is crisp at all times, didn`t feel a need for it. My sled has good top speed for a 136`one , 169kmh in the GPS. Could do better since I ran out of room when I rode it. Enough for me and for the skid suspension...

So, what has been your experiences with that new Mach ?
New member
ive raced on with my fathers stock rx1mnt. and it was real close once and beat another. the one that was close had clutching and a 1 /34" track.
Active member
you might want to try lowering your engagement if you are having such big problems with traction off the line.
Since in Vmax4 engine has no power valves, and it doesn`t really have that low end torgue so much ( well, it aint low too ), engagement has to be quite high. Most guys who race V4`s are setting their cluthes in 5000 rpm...
I´m putting 32mm lug RipSaw on my sled and I´m trying to find set PSI quad pipes. More traction and power. With those PSI`s hp should be around 170 - 175 hp.
I´m putting 32mm lug RipSaw on my sled and I´m trying to find set PSI quad pipes. More traction and power. With those PSI`s hp should be around 170 - 175 hp.

ike what weights are you running in your 800?
Tomseal, I´m running stock weights ( part number 8BU-17605-00-00 ) 45,41 grams with the maximum 3 engagement shims under White-silver-White ( part number 90501-555J9 ) spring. This setup let`s me run my Max on the trail also.
http://www.vmax4.com/yammiegod.htm <--- I ran this setup by YammieGod also. That 5000 rpm engagement was bit rough for my stock track`s ability to hook up and it was a pain to ride on the trail ( for me atleast ), but it works great when conditions are right and competition tough...
http://www.vmax4.com/yammiegod.htm <--- I ran this setup by YammieGod also. That 5000 rpm engagement was bit rough for my stock track`s ability to hook up and it was a pain to ride on the trail ( for me atleast ), but it works great when conditions are right and competition tough...

that ripsaw is AMAZING in most all conditions. couldnt beleive how sweet it is on dads vector!
the viper gets one this year 

I was getting repeatedly spanked by the new Machs in 1000 feet this last year and my SRX is definately not stock. There wasn't a F-7 that could touch me the whole day, but I was off about 6 mph from the slowest Z.
When in right hands Mach`s are really fast. That 1000cc mill has serious potential to be a lake runner, but like in another cases most Mach`s aren`t that fast. S E T U P is the key alongside with testing. Just wait 2 - 3 years and after that Mach`s have more experience and they are going to a handfull to every sled here... except turbo 4-strokes!
One thing what really impressed me with the Mach is that how quiet those sleds are and how easy to handle. My Max screams like Bruce Dickinson when on full throttle and is quite handful on the trail in higher speeds ( unless the trail is flat and wide, then Max just flyes...)
One thing what really impressed me with the Mach is that how quiet those sleds are and how easy to handle. My Max screams like Bruce Dickinson when on full throttle and is quite handful on the trail in higher speeds ( unless the trail is flat and wide, then Max just flyes...)
Bruce Dickinson was Iron Maidens lead singer, right? (Trying to test my 80's European metal trivia, I think I'm right??)
ejcamaro said:Bruce Dickinson was Iron Maidens lead singer, right? (Trying to test my 80's European metal trivia, I think I'm right??)
Was and again is (you are correct)
ike i dont know alot about V-4 but u ever think about piping that quad motor. ive seen one in action with quad pipes and that thing was untouchable in the mod classes. even in the 1000 mod classes would love to hear about you beating those mach's
Yep. Bruce Dickinson is Iron Maiden`s singer. Blaze Bailey was for a short period with the band in late 90`s. I´m going to their concert tomorrow in Helsinki. UP THE IRONS !
I´m trying to find a set PSI quads for my Max. Hard to come by though since PSi don`t make those anymore. Hauck still makes quads for Vmax4, but PSi`s are suppose to be better... ? !
Quad piped Max runs like raped ape! Those things are great!
I´m trying to find a set PSI quads for my Max. Hard to come by though since PSi don`t make those anymore. Hauck still makes quads for Vmax4, but PSi`s are suppose to be better... ? !
Quad piped Max runs like raped ape! Those things are great!
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I had the Fear of the Dark album way back when I was a young punk (90 or 91 I believe), along with spiked hair and complimentary mullet.