Srx Primary Spring Selection

Reaper, i have a 4mm shim from bender i can ship to you free of charge. it should get you close to 4500 what weights are you running?
tom i have never used shims myself what is the rule of thumb for shim thickness relative to engagement rpm change
just going by an old rule of thumb a yamaha 1mm shim will increase your engagement 100 RPM's if Reaper has stock clutching a 4mm shim will put him very close to what he's looking for. by the sounds of it he might be running the stock weights and spring. bender sells .5mm 1mm 4mm and 8mm shims.. i have a 4mm collecting dust on my shelf.
i would try the yamaha green-white-green spring. This shoudl bring your engagement up to about what youw ant, try it if you can find one, if you have to buy one, then go hauck orange spring
99srx700 ,he's not trying to get his shift rate higher just his engagment up with those psrings he would be overreving and losing power.
Thanks Tom, i would be interested in the shim, but with 8000km or 5000miles on that primary spring would i be better off getting new spring, it currently engages between 3800 and 4000 rpms...........James
Could somebody shed some light on the rates of springs and how they affect the engament and shift.....i currently have a Hauck Orange and it is 55, 2.75, engages around 5000rpm(which is high for my current application)......i was looking at Avant-edge springs one with 52.5, 2.21, 125 and the other 55,1.67, 110 how would these compare to the Hauck orange spring..........thanks.........James
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