Yamaha 1.1x126x15 snocross track


New member
Jun 19, 2005
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
What does everyone think of this yamaha snowcross track? I have a chance to get one with the tunnel extension needed for 150.00 It has 150 studs down the center. How do they hook up on hardpack? Also, how are they for ditch banging? I live in iowa, so we dont get a bunch of powder here, but do get some occasionally. We get alot of wetter snow here, how will this hold up in that. It is going into an SRX 700 sled, which have trouble with low end traction anyways. Let me know, Thanks alot, RC

first I like the picture also I have 3 of those tracks I like them very much they are on 2000 srx 97sx 98sx they will work great I live up in Fort Frances
Canada / International Falls mn. they hook up well on the hard pack and in deep snow you wiil not go wrong with it. :rocks:
2.4 rail extensions used to make the 116 a 121 or 136 a 141. You can also move the skid back 2.4 inches. It is a yamaha race track, not production track. Maxdlx
