Used bed liner on my tunnel pics!


New member
Apr 19, 2005
Georgetown KY
I had this idea to do this ran it by on another site most thought it would not look right! now that it is done several others are going to do it! still drying!


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[You are reading my mind! I wonder what a painter would charge to get it black for me? I might have to call maybe just put on the SX stickers leave the rest black Thank you QUOTE=TopGunnSrx]Lots of black eh? I think you should get your hood painted and a all black seat. Go stealth. Looks pretty good though should hold up as well[/QUOTE]
chance3131 said:
What did you use to prep the surface?
I sanded it to get it rough I first tried to JEWEL it just did not look like I wanted so it was pretty rough , I bought an automotive adhesion agent says "makes paint stick to plastic alluminum ,etc! then I sprayed on the bed liner the sled is a 97 engine & tunnel w/ all the 1999 upgrades (Blue)
Here is a pic of my Jeweled tunnel. You wouldnt believe how many looks it got this past winter and how many guys asked me how it was done. As for bedliner, lots of added weight, it does get slipper, and it will start to crack and peel due to the flexing. Good luck getting it back off. ===SRXSRULE===


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What exactly is JEWELED? I was thinking putting the bed liner stuff on my GT this fall where my boots will be hitting the tunnel. Too bad it didn't come powder coated there.
[There is no weight at all that is silly! the damn can weighs less than a pound A wire wheel will take it off just fine yours looks good but keeping up with shiny alluminum is about as much trouble as touching up mine!QUOTE=SRXSRULE]Here is a pic of my Jeweled tunnel. You wouldnt believe how many looks it got this past winter and how many guys asked me how it was done. As for bedliner, lots of added weight, it does get slipper, and it will start to crack and peel due to the flexing. Good luck getting it back off. ===SRXSRULE===[/QUOTE]
[Well I Will bet you this sled that you go buy acan of dupli color bed liner spray it into a bucket & if it weighs 2 to 4 lbs this sled is yours! all you have to do is pick up in northern KY also bring a can & a bucket & a scale to show me how basicly spray paint can weigh more out of a can than in! no way!QUOTE=shortstop20]the can may weight less than a pound but now that the bedliner is dry it weights more. I don't think it could weight much more than 2-4 pounds.[/QUOTE]
Actually, that got me to thinking. I'd be curious to know if you empty a can of 'Great Stuff' expandable foam if the entire contents (once expanded) out of the can weigh more than the can being full prior to being sprayed out?


What I meant is that it can't weight any more than 2-4 pounds. I should've clarified that I guess. I'm not trying to argue against what you did. I think it looks great and who cares if it does add weight?? Shaving weight off a sled is overrated. Most people need to get on a diet before they put their sled on a diet. :ORC Sorry if I offended you, but don't get your panties in a bunch! :na
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In the case of the bed liner or the foam, what changes in each of them to make them hard? My guess is the amount of moisture. They both harden with the evaporation of something right? So my guess is that it would actually be lighter when they harden versus when they are wet or still in the can. Boy we must be bored to be talking about all of this, BRING ON THE SNOW!!!
just get a msds on the product and check the specific gravity,this will tell you the density of the product x 8.35=wt.per gallon,take that number & divided by 128 x 16=wt.per ounce. a little science involved here but,just something to goof around with.
also depending on the formula if the chemical that makes the bedliner adhere evaorates it would be lighter,if it is a reaction with oxygen it would be heavier but very miniscual...... lol
