track info needed


New member
May 1, 2005
SouthEast Michigan
I have read as many threads on tracks as possible on the site. After doing so, I purchased a 9818 1.25" track for my 1997 SX 700. The front heat exchanger protector was removed when I purchased it. I am planning on removing the tunnel protectors. I have noticed that there are rivets ( OEM ) protruding through the TOP of the tunnel ( 1/8" or so ) through to the bottom near the side edges. If you measure across the tunnel, they are 14" apart. So it appears that they will hit the edges of the track ( 15" wide ) if the track comes real close to the tunnel. I did not see this issue addressed on any of the other threads. I was wondering if I should make new tunnel protectors that are smaller--say 1/4" or 1/2" to stop the possible contact. I would hate to tear up a new track. I will not be studding the track. If you can run a 1" track with studs with the stock 1" tunnel protectors, would it be safe to run a 1 1/4" track without studs with 3/4" tunnel protectors--you add 1/4" to the track, but remove 1/4" from the tunnel protector?

Any ideas or comments will be appreciated.

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