85 srv, won't start, no spark, help me please!!!!


New member
Jan 26, 2004
My friend just bought a 85 srv and on the ride home it quit while at idle at the gas station, i am helping him try to figure it out. I am getting no spark. There is like 11 volts at the coil lead wire on every pull, so i figured its the coil, right. I swaped out the coil and still no spark???? Am i not gettin enuff juice from the cdi box? Any help and suggestions would be greatly apreciated


Check the resistance of the coil (both primary and secondary).
Check the resistance of the plug wires, and caps.

How are you testing for spark?
By sticking my toung on the plugwire!!LOL, I was testing buy grounding the plug to the engine and cranking it. what should the resistance be?And what is promary and secondary?

The coil is made up of two windings primary and seconday.
The primary is the 12 volts from your CDI and the secondary is what takes the 12v steps up the voltage to fire the plugs.
I am not sure what the resistance is for your machine but to check the primary put an ohmeter between ground the the wire supplying the coil with 12 volts. The secondary would be between the plug wire and ground.
With the coil removed from the sled . . .

Test the resistance between the 2 plug wires with the caps removed. Should be between 3k and 6k ohms. (Secondary)

Test the resistance between the small wire lead, and the laminated metal mounting bracket. Should be between .1 and .3 ohms. (Primary)

The plug caps should have about 5k ohms resistance.

The wires were part of the secondary test.
