I have always wanted to polish my rear grab bar. It looked like crap with all the paint chiped off. I started with 100grit sand paper and worked my way up to 2000grit wetsanding paper. Then I polished it up with my new Mothers Power Ball and some AutoSol polish. Now I have to hit my tunnel and exhaust pipe.

New member
New member
That was with the powerball eh? Guess im gonna have to go buy one
Lookin good both of yours
Lookin good both of yours
New member
yeah same man, looks awsome Fack!, where do u get that wstuff here in town neil? or was that mothers mag polish?
New member
I havn't seen those Mothers Powerballs around here. I ordered up a couple of Flitz Buffballs and used Mothers aluminum polish. I also have a 5" disk type polisher that fits a drill or palm sander that works better for some things like large flat surfaces. You can get that one at Home Hardware. You can get the polish just about anywhere, Walmart has the best price, also pick up a roll of blue shop towels for hand polishing and cleanup.
Link for Flitz: http://www.flitz.ca/
Link for Flitz: http://www.flitz.ca/
Autosol is a real good polish. Its been around a long time. I heard a roomer thats its supposed to cause cancer. I have tried others polishes but they only take longer. You can't buy it from Canadian Tire anymore and other places. My roomate works an autobody supply shop. He grabbed me a tube. He also got all the sand paper for me to try for free. I bought my PowerBall from Action truck caps in town. You can buy the Power Balls at Canadian Tire. I will post pictures when I finish my tunnel. I want to do my pipe as well. Its going to finally look how I want it too this winter. 

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New member
Wow! Looks great! how long does it take to polish this stuff?
I have couple of hours in to mine..
looks fantastic! I did that with my clutch gaurd and pipe last season, time to re-do it. that clutch also looks incredible! nice work!
New member
looks nice!
Grab bar looks good. I just sand blasted and repainted mine for a 1997 SX700. I am 95% done with long travelling the rear skid. The shocks are awesome.
Grab bar looks good. I just sand blasted and repainted mine for a 1997 SX700. I am 95% done with long travelling the rear skid. The shocks are awesome.