Active member
i need some advice on a bogging problem with the wifes 98 srx 600 it has 18.000 klm on it and the moter has never been touched.if it is beeing run under 3\4 throttle it runs fine and if is held down full it is fine just when you let up it will not bring the revs up untill slowed to half throttle and then hit it again.compression is good,clutches are rebilt,power valves cleaned, and checked over and over.belt changed,carbs have been cleaned and checked.i am wondering if a weak cdi box would do this. txlen
New member
Perhaps your TORS is kicking in a little. Not sure if this can take effect just a little bit or not. It is suppose to bring the idle down to under 3000 rpm before you can get back on it.

sounds like the tors,had a very similiar situation with my sx,the tors is easy to check disconnect the 4 wires under the hood near the carbs and reconnect them to by pass the tors and see what the sled acts like then if doesnt do what you had mention then it was the tors....

but if this cures the problem just remember that the throttle overide system is disabled and this safety feature will not work and if there is a problem with throttle the safety feature will not cut the rpms so be careful..
Active member
tx red no i have tried and still run it disconected tried every thing i can think of except the cdi i see lots of talk of them being replaced i dont know if not starting is the only reason why??????????
New member
more likely a weak coil than a weak CDI
Active member
sled runs good on the trail just on the lakes it starts to pull down like it is melting down .tx
Try this and see
If it pulls down when going across a lake, take off the power valve servo cover, and put the sled up on a jack stand, start up the sled and see if the powervalve motor is cycling the valves or not, its not uncommon to have the powervalve servo signal quit from the cdi in the 98-99 sleds, and there isnt anything that shows up except poor wide open performance, will lose rpms on top and act like a bog. Do this and we will go to step 2 after I hear if the servo motor is working or not.
If it pulls down when going across a lake, take off the power valve servo cover, and put the sled up on a jack stand, start up the sled and see if the powervalve motor is cycling the valves or not, its not uncommon to have the powervalve servo signal quit from the cdi in the 98-99 sleds, and there isnt anything that shows up except poor wide open performance, will lose rpms on top and act like a bog. Do this and we will go to step 2 after I hear if the servo motor is working or not.
Active member
thanks mrviper i have tryed adjusting the throttle down to make the servo work and it does but maybie it dies at higher speeds the valves are not plugged even after running it the entire winter like this.i do have a extra servo i should put on this winter it is the wifes sled and she does not hold to the pin to mutch.thanks again for the sound advice.len