rear suspension question?


New member
Dec 22, 2003
grand forks north dakota
heres the thing, i extended my viper to a 136 and the suspension is mounted in the stock holes except the very far rear bolts. i raised the rear about 4 inches. my transfer rods are set up for as much transfer that i can get. my question is when i sit on the machine i drop the transfer rods to the nut, i can even effortlessly push the back down to the max of the transfer rods, but when get to the nut it seems that i bottomed out and have to really jump on the back to get it to squat. did i mess up the geometry of the rear supension? maybe i should quit messing with it and put it where it should be. sure looks cool though.

Sounds to me like you don't have enough rear spring in it. When it hits the nut it couples and you are then using both shocks. Try adding more rear spring to it. you really need to lower the center mount down 3 inches. There is a hole on the runningboard heat exchanger mount right under the bolt. it gets you 3 inch drop. It won't work good until you get them even. Maxdlx
